Friday, January 07, 2005

movies suck

i just got out of flight of the phoenix. of course it sucked. a bunch of us went to see white noise but it was sold out. but my friends like to see a movie just to go to the theater. i think a lot of people are like that and hollywood knows. thats why they keep turning out such crap.

to sum up the movie a plane crashes in the desert and they rebuild it so they can all hang off the wing and then fly it off a cliff being chased by a bunch of nomads on horseback. who makes up this shit.

but it's not just flight of the flying turd. its most movies. i don't know why i keep going. and blockbusters are the worse. you know if it's a big summer movie it's going to be painful to sit through.

i used to like independent and foreign film. i've been to a lot of film fests. most of these suck now too. once people saw they could make money from indies they started panning to commercial interests. if your film has a bunch of big name actors and no one had to go into hock to make it, it's not independent. when you give a indie director some money they lose all artistic ability. take kevin smith. clerks rocked, everything else he did sucks. artists need limits. it forces them to be creative.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too was very disappointed from the remake of flight of the phoenix. The original was a much better movie. They just played up trite characters and FX over any kind of substance.

So much was lacking in it. It's inconstant editing was as if the guy how does all the Toyota commercials popped in at random intervals to "jazz" it up. They relied on freak storms to keep the movie moving because todays audience has the attention span of a gnat. I can understand the characters playing music if they had the means, but the rock video of people who should be exhausted was complete crap! I am sorry mister director, but any windstorm that lifts the plane of the ground, would then proceed to blow it far away... and dash it to bits. It would not burry it like the freaking spinx! The convenience of the nomads holding back without taking sniper shots from the ridge made me cringe. I guess you can't have your characters acting realistically... it wold spoil the big scene that the studio dreamed up.

After being so pumped that they picked a under appreciated classic to update, I was totally let down.

I totally agree that the money often has a inverse impact on quality. Now that Mr. Lucas can have any and every effect he wants he clutters his prequels to death with pop glitz. It appears he has been totally distracted from the characters that make it all work.

At least the new Battlestar Galactica series holds some promise.

BTW: I found your blog from Ars... it led me to your mac mini blog and then here.

January 14, 2005 at 8:23 PM  

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