Wednesday, January 05, 2005

this sucks

this is a site for me to bitch. about anything. mostly technology since that pisses me off most often but also politics, life, the universe and everything.

first bitch

blogs suck

everyone is going to be able to read this and since i've used my real name it's going to be on google for everyone to see. future employers, clients, lovers, friends, enemies, and the rabble that is the internet.

i've done this on purpose. i'm tired of hiding my opinions for fear of how others will judge me. fear sucks.

i'm not using capitalization on purpose. don't really know why i just don't want too. maybe it shows what i really think of the this blog. which is not much.

but back to why blogs suck.

it seems blogs are the next big thing. time or some fuck was thinking to make them person of the year. then they made word of the year. so what. it's still just a web page which has been around since 1994 when mosiac hit. i remember compiling that on a dec at school. i wrote my first web page that day and i don't think much has changed since then.


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